Occupation : Architect
Email : bumi_biru@yahoo.com
Adhi, age 28, was falling in love in architecture when he was a child. He always bought a drawing book and put an image of a house on it. He was born in Denpasar, but already left his hometown since he was 5 years to follow his father on duty in West Sumatera, Java and Lombok. He back again to Bali to start his professional career as an architect after finished his study in architecture in Yogyakarta.
Now, he works as a young architect for one of the top architecture firm in Bali, specialized in resorts and hotels design. He enjoy every steps of design, from sketches until a real solid building. He keeps learning and learning and have a dream to run his own architecture firm someday.
Photography is also his other interest. He tooks some photos for a hobby during his spare time. Having a cup of coffee with friends is also his other way to spend a time.
Adhi is an active member of Rotaract Club of Denpasar Bali since 2004. He was a president of the club in 2007.
BalasHapusYou Will have loads of fun there!
Make loads of pictures, eat loads of chocolate and kiss a lot of belgium girls!!!!